
Friday, March 27, 2009

Eye Candies = Shotglass + Toy Truck

I said I will write updates, and I did one on my pens and notebooks the other day. I am yet to write about the books I've read and the movies we've watched lately, yet I'm so giddily excited about these two eye candies that I'm writing about them now before those books and movies. *Wink.*

First, this shotglass. A new shotglass!!! Yey! I haven't gotten anything new in so long I forgot when. This shotglass is a gift from W, a good friend who truly surprised me when she sent this through someone in a brown bag (another brown bag!) with a yellow Post-It tab as a gift tag that said: "To CSD, For your collection. From: W."

I held my breath as I opened the bag because it took me so long to rip out the newspaper it was wrapped with. *Chuckles.* Then after the newspaper wrap, it was again wrapped in a thick bundle of soft paper for extra protection. And I deeply appreciate that. And when I saw the shotglass... Ah, I was just speechless. It came from the Philippine Military Academy, the country's premier training school for future officers of the Armed Forces. The crest/seal states: Courage, Integrity, Loyalty. Wow. This is my second Pinoy shotglass, and it now sits among my growing collection. Thanks, W!

Now this toy. This truck is Tomica No. 36: Nexco self run type mark car, with an Isuzu elf body scaled at 1/64. This is my first toy in a long break off collecting toy trucks. My last toys were #51 (Toyota Crown Comfort Taxi) and #68 (Isuzu Snorkel Firetruck) bought in September last year. I know I've been left behind in my other collections, with my last elephant in August last year, and the shotglass and toys in September.

I got new stuff latety, though. Aside from new pens and notebooks and inks and papers, I also got Christmas stamps and tea. Yes, tea. The ones that come in bags with tiny colorful tags? But that's reserved for a another post. Later. Ahem.

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