
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Christmas Came Early

Last Friday (and all Fridays, that is) was a terrible day for me. I had to beat deadlines, read references for my new writing assignments, finish 14 country maps for a book I'm designing, and process the never-ending subscription requests for the mailing list I manage. I was also feeling very lethargic, something that's been frequently happening lately.

I went to the cafeteria for a needed caffeine boost when I happened to pass by the Mail Room. I got all the mails from our slot, and whoa, I immediately spotted two postcards for me: one from Germany and another from Finland. I scanned the envelopes, and realized there's a big one for me. Oh, boy. It is postmarked Rogaska Slatina and I knew where it came from. Oh. My. God.

I went inside the cafeteria and carefully opened the envelope. Inside is an Oxford Activebook notebook and beatiful postcards from Slovenia. The notebook was sent to me by Robert Reich, a kind and thoughtful fellow I met through sometime in March. When I requested an address to send a postcard to, I randomly got his name and sent him a postcard. His message to me when he got the postcard said that he is a photographer and graphics designer in Slovenia. He also said he'd be glad to send me a notebook from his country. After exchanging several emails, I gave him my mailing address, and here is the notebook now, along with printed postcards showing his photographs.

ActiveBook in orange. It is so wanting of an orange companion. An orange Lamy Safari, maybe?

Great notebook! Now I'm thinking of what to use it for. But for now it's safe at home, among other notebooks I have received from kind friends. I cannot thank you enough for your kindness, Robert! Hugs to you!

When I went back to my office refreshed, excited, and ecstatic over my new notebook and postcards, a fellow fountain pen collector has just sent a message to our group about a shop she spotted in Parañaque selling Lamy pens. The group later agreed to do a Lamy pen meet on May 23rd, another Saturday, but which I cannot attend, for a more pressing reason. I sent a desperate message to the group for someone to please buy me any white pen. To my surprise, my friend emailed me and said she'll give me one storm-trooper pen because she got five of them and she'd be happy to give it to someone who's 'really into it'. Huwow!!! She sent it to our Makati Office and voila! the pen was delivered post haste to Los Baños in a matter of hours.

The box was inside a bigger box which I tore off as fast as I could.

Inside the Lamy box: pen, converter, a box of ink cartridges. The package also included a small notepad with cream colored paper that is ultra friendly to fountain pen writing!

My storm trooper pen. Another white pen in the throve. :) Finally. I have one. Courtesy of a kind friend who let go of it just so I could have one. I owe you one, May!

It's not everyday that I get gifts like this, but when I do, it feels like Christmas morning all over again. Now all I need is a cup of hot chocolate and a plate of suman, and I'm all set. *Wink.*

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