
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I Love Notebooks, Part 2

I just love notebooks. Remember this post about my 55 notebooks? All of them 55 are still with me at home, but now they got 57 more companions! Oh, there are worse addictions, as the Pen Addict loves to say. It's hard to believe I got 57 more new notebooks after the 55 I've counted last July. The funny thing is, I did not know about this until two nights ago when I was tidying up the large plastic boxes where I keep my notebooks. I took most of them out the boxes, and the tall stacks suprised me. Counting them was a bigger surprise for I surpassed the previous record by a hairline number: 2 notebooks!

First stack on the left, 18 notebooks. Middle stack, 22; and the third and last stack has 17 notebooks.

First stack. From the bottom: 5 Mead, large Golden Gate, Eagle Index, orange Clairefontaine, purple Clairefontaine, medium Golden Gate, orange Geman notebook from George, 4 Memo Notebooks from our Recto trip last year, black Clairefontaine, small Blue Feather, and small Golden Gate.

Middle stack. From the bottom: QV Habana, black large Scribe, 2 red large Scribe, Grandluxe Damask-covered large notebook, large silver Grandluxe Monologue Journal, Exacompta skethcbook with red leather cover, black large Clairefontaine Basics, Graf It 909 sketch pad, 2 Korean nobtebooks I got from National Bookstore, G. Lalo pad, Rhodia Bloc No. 16, a leather-covered notebook I won from a pen meet raffle, large orange Rhodia Webbie, purple notebook from Mona, small white Grandluxe Dialogue notebook, Green Apple faux-leather covered journal, and 4 Rhodia Bloc No. 10s.

Last stack. A colorful (but very FP-friendly) notebook from Korea, 2 Rhodia Bloc No. 14s, 2 Clairefontaine hard-covered notebooks, pink Daycraft Signature, blue Grandluxe Mosaic, 2 small red Scribe, small black Rhodia Webbie, small Clairefontaine notebooks, Paul Smith Rhodia pad, and small purple Granluxe Elastiq journal.

So what do you think, Nifty? Would 57 more notebooks give me a place in your Notebook Addict of the Week list?


  1. I'm not going to count my notebooks. Nope.


  2. I hope you count them, Leigh. :) So my guilt would be less. :))

  3. oh man. and i thought i was bad at collecting notebooks and never writing in them :P

  4. Wow! I was thinking I'd already made you an addict of the week, but I guess not! You certainly qualify!

  5. I don't have that many notebooks. There was a time when I had a huge number of paper samples. I still have a stack in the closet. At least it's easy to know what to get you for a present.

  6. Oh, Leigh, you'd have to *find* all your notebooks before you could count them.

  7. ALOI: I envied your notebooks, pens and stationery way back when we were seatmates at Professor Asuncion's COMII class. :)

    NOTEBOOK STORIES: You've seen my 52 notebooks before, but not as a Notebook Addict entry, but on the first Carnival of Pen, Pencil and Paper. :)

    TAO: I was born with a notebook in hand. LOL! I guess getting more pens begets more paper (and ink) and vice-versa. I accumulated more than 100 NBs in my search for the perfect NB for FP use. Then again, I haven't found the perfect notebook. Not yet. :)

  8. clem, you still remember my notebooks in college? wow! that was ages ago, no? i still have a thing for nce smooth paper and lovely pens. though my handwriting isn't as neat as it was back then.

    oh, was wondering why you've never blogged more about calligraphy -- you certainly have the talent for it!

  9. Nice photos of nice stacks of notebooks. I'm an addict too, but they are all around in boxes, maybe one day I'll count them.

  10. Hi,

    Great Blog! Would you be interested in reviewing one of our new 'reecovid' eco woman notepads?

    Happy to send you one (there are six lovely designs to choose from).

    Just let me know which one and where to send it.



  11. Hi, Ingrid! I'd be happy to review your notebooks! I sent you a message through your 'creativewasteproducts' email address.

    Thank you very much!

